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Special transport of discarded installation parts from industry

DDM is currently carrying out work on a client's site in Zeeland. A discarded installation piece from the industry had to be remediated, this was a challenge on the project site because it would entail various risks. DDM had a solution for this!

A discarded installation piece from the industry was recently transported from Zeeland to the DDM branch in De Meern. Transporting the installation piece was a challenge because it is a large object. The installation piece was transported using special transport and then lifted using a heavy mobile crane.

Renovating the installation piece in De Meern provides major benefits for the client because less work needs to be carried out on the client's own site.

At the DDM yard in De Meern, a permanent containment has been specially set up where DDM specialists can carry out both large and small remediations. The discarded installation piece is cleaned up by a number of DDM specialists who have a lot of experience with this type of work. The client indicates that he is very satisfied with the way in which the discarded installation piece has been transported and remediated in De Meern.