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SUSTAINABILITY : Priority within DDM

Sustainability is a prominent topic within DDM that is pursued organisation-wide. It has our full attention on our projects: attention for employees, for reusing sustainable materials, for efficient energy consumption, for reusing equipment and materials and, finally, for the highest possible recycling percentage.

After all, there is no denying that measures must be taken on the earth for the next generation. It is essential to avoid unnecessary burden on the environment and strive to minimise negative environmental impacts. Global CO2 emissions rose 6% last year - due to fossil fuel emissions - to a new record.
However, this is not a recent problem but has been going on for a long time. For this reason, DDM started mapping its CO2 emissions.

CO2 emissions, reduction targets and participation in sustainability initiatives are shared every six months within the organisation and externally. For this reason, employees within DDM are intrinsically motivated to reduce their CO2 footprint, because a better world starts with yourself.
One of DDM's objectives is for its head office in De Meern to be energy-neutral by 2026. This requires the entire building to generate its own building-related energy. In this respect, the first steps were taken in 2018 by equipping the entire workshop and warehouse with solar panels. This achieved an 86% reduction in energy consumption.

It is DDM's ambition to become even more sustainable by investing in sustainable materials and resources. It recently invested in an eco-friendly 100-tonne crane including an eco winch and stationary stop function. DDM wants to continue along this line.