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Trends and updates CO2 emissions DDM!

Sustainability is an important topic within DDM. The trends and developments regarding this subject are closely monitored. DDM is therefore a member of the VERAS CO2 industry initiative.

The CO2 emissions of DDM Demontage B.V. and DDM Belgium have decreased in 2021 compared to 2022. The CO2 emissions of DDM Deutschland have increased in 2022 compared to 2021. However, this can be explained by the fact that DDM Deutschland had a strong increase in turnover in 2022 compared to 2021 .

There are other trends to be observed regarding sustainability. For example, a 23-ton electric crane recently operated in Terneuzen, and electrical equipment is currently running in Cologne! DDM Deutschland in particular is currently busy and very busy with the subject of 'circularity'. On various projects, stones and clinkers are carefully removed from buildings. These stones and clinkers are then collected by a third party and used again in new construction.

Reduction targets have been drawn up to reduce CO2 emissions within DDM. The reduction targets are shown below:

DDM Demontage B.V. want to:

  • Consume 100% less gas in De Meern in 2026 compared to 2021;
  • 10% fewer emissions from machines and equipment in 2026 compared to 2021;
  • 10% fewer emissions from the vehicle fleet in 2026 compared to 2021;
  • Wants to increase the percentage of electric cars to 10%

DDM Deutschland GmbH wants:

  • 10% fewer emissions from machines and equipment in 2026 compared to 2021;
  • 10% fewer emissions from the vehicle fleet in 2026 compared to 2021;

DDM Belgium wants:

  • 10% fewer emissions from the office building in 2026 compared to 2021;
  • 10% fewer emissions from the vehicle fleet in 2026 compared to 2021;
  • 10% fewer emissions from machines and equipment in 2026 compared to 2021;

Curious about exact figures regarding emissions? And, for example, how much energy is generated with DDM's solar panels? Then read the file 'DDM Sustainability Report 2021-2026' on the website, under the heading 'sustainability'.