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New acquisitions: 90-ton crane and equipment

DDM recently became the proud owner of the Hitachi 890-7 with stage 5 engine. The purchase of this crane shows that DDM is looking into the future. Partly due to the clean engine and the sustainable nature of the crane. DDM also purchased a heavy hammer, rubble rake and an Epiroc CC6000 with concrete cutter jaws and scrap jaws.

The crane has a power of 382kW and has an operating weight of 84,600-87,500 kg. In addition, the crane has versatile functions that are suitable for various challenging demolition work. The excavator is built to perform reliably all day long. The model is built with reinforced components that are ideal for demolition and loading of heavy materials.

Durable and comfortable

This crane produces less pollution because it uses up to 20% less fuel compared to previous models. In addition, operators can monitor fuel efficiency – and therefore reduce costs – by using the brand new ECO meter.

When considering investing in a crane, our employees are of course also taken into account. The seat of this crane is constructed in such a way that it reduces employee fatigue. The crane is also designed in such a way that there are low noise and vibration levels in the cabin. These two factors promote ergonomics and this creates a more pleasant working environment.

Insert tap

The inauguration of the crane took place during the work regarding the removal of the Arch Bridge in Vianen. He was used to cut away pillars of approximately 650m3. In short, DDM is pleased to share the news of the new crane. This news confirms that DDM looks to the future with a sustainable view.