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World Demolition Award 2022

DDM Disassembly B.V. is nominated for a Civil Demolition Award for the wider van of the boog bridge over the lek at Vianen.

We are proud!

DDM Demontage B.V. has been nominated for a Civil Demolition Award for the removal of the arch bridge over the leak at Vianen. Together with KWS infra and VES we formed the Combinatie Boogbrug Vianen B.V. DDM Demontage B.V. took care of the demolition work within this combination.

Removing the arch bridge and bridging over the leak was an intensive job. The schedule was tight and expectations were high. But with a joint effort and incredible passion, DDM was able to successfully remove and recycle the arch bridge within schedule.

Throughout the entire project, the safety of people and the environment was guaranteed to the highest level. And that in the middle of important infrastructures. With the adjacent Jan Blanken bridge, the Lek River with its protected meanders and immediate surroundings being the most important.

The customer was very satisfied with the results. The jury of the World Demolition Summit shared that opinion and therefore nominated DDM Demontage for the Civils Demolition Award.

The World Demolition Awards are organized by the magazine Demolition & Recycling International in collaboration with the European Demolition Association and the National Demolition Association of the USA.

The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony, which will take place on Thursday, November 17 in Vienna, Austria.