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DDM recently completely refurbished one of its cranes.

The Hitachi ZX470 has been in DDM's machine park for a number of years. After having made a number of long journeys to Asia, the Middle East and recently to Germany, this crane deserved some attention.

DDM takes care of its machines and wants them to last as long as possible. For this reason it was decided to completely refurbish the machine! One condition is that a used machine must continue to fit well into the process, both in terms of technology and the safety of the machine.

In the context of circularity, this is a very successful project. Because why buy a new crane if you can properly repair the machine you have and equip it with the latest techniques! With this project we have shown that sustainability starts with reusing what you have. Just as we do in our demolition projects according to Lansink's Ladder.

We are very proud of our technicians who made this possible!