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DDM is expanding its certificate register with the ISO45001 certificate!

DDM prioritizes the safety and health of its employees above all else, both nationally and internationally. For this reason, DDM has chosen to be certified for ISO45001.

The certification acts as an additional check to maintain the quality of the safety management system at a high level. But what does ISO45001 mean?

The ISO45001 is an international standard to promote healthy and safe working by setting requirements for the management system in which hazards and risks are identified and evaluated and then addressed.

The ISO45001 provides depth and addition to the safety management system and does not prescribe how you should arrange things, but what you should arrange. In this way, a practical interpretation of procedures is created. This is explicitly about positive additions to current procedures, which increase safety and health and safety awareness in the workplace.

DDM is proud of all its employees who contributed to the ISO45001 certification!